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Friday, May 25, 2018

BabySchep's Monster Quilt: Part 4

Great news!  No, my new machine hasn't come in yet, although I should probably start trying to come up with names for him.  Hmm...maybe a contest is in order?  We'll see.  No, I'm here to share the next two finished blocks for BabySchep's birthday quilt:

Love the glasses.  A lot of Antonie Alexander's patterns include bespectacled folks.

It's okay to have a girly monster in a boy's quilt, no?
These monsters are a lot of fun to make.  In case you missed it, here is Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3

This post marks the halfway point for the applique blocks.  I now have 8 more monsters to finish--at this point, they have all been fused and are ready for their embroidered finish.  This particular quilt calls for simply pieced borders, so I'm likely close to the actual halfway point for this project.  I will keep y'all posted.

Recent Reads:

Dragon TeethDragon Teeth by Michael Crichton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I am predisposed to love everything Crichton, and can't wait to introduce his work to my children, and my parents did for me. I'm also amused that they keep pulling these out of the vault, so to speak, which is a testament to his work ethic. Despite its tantalizing cover, this book does not fall into the Jurassic series--it's historical fiction about the early days of digging dinosaur fossils. It was a fun read (or listen, in my case) for anyone, and just about the only way you'd get me to read a Western, lol.

View all my reviews

Sex on the Moon: The Amazing Story Behind the Most Audacious Heist in HistorySex on the Moon: The Amazing Story Behind the Most Audacious Heist in History by Ben Mezrich
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Well, this was a book I judged by its title. Sorry, but my prudish upbringing leads me to outright reject books with the word "sex" in the title, regardless of how many times it pops up in my recommended books list. I finally took a closer look at it--the audiobook is read by Casey Affleck. Ugh. Another year of ignoring the title. Finally, I found myself in between books, and this one was available without a wait. The first third of the book was rather dull--I mean, can't you just hear Affleck's voice droning on and on about Mormons and teen marriage? Then, it picked up. What a crazy story! What really gets to me is how I never knew about the moon rock heist when this guy was caught practically in my backyard, housed in the jail I drove past almost daily! I found I could relate to this tale--while I never interned at NASA, I've participated in other geeky away-from-home adventures, so I could picture the scene. What I failed to understand was how easily his coconspirators agreed to help him. Short but interesting.

View all my reviews

My StoryMy Story by Elizabeth Smart
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Elizabeth's ordeal happened when I was still in high school, so it was very illuminating to read it as an adult. I felt like she was rather defensive at times, which is really a shame. Overall, I was fascinated by her story, and am now much more alarmed for my children's safety.

View all my reviews

While I purchased a few new board games recently, none of them have made their way onto our tabletop.  Now that our team is out of the playoffs, I'm sure I'll have a title to share soon. 

Linking up with Finished or Not Friday this week. Until next time, God Bless!


  1. I was attracted to a monster quilt pattern once, but it was before I began making kid quilts, so I didn't buy the pattern, and now it's gone. So your blocks look super fun! And I think you've convinced me to try at least one of the books on your list...

    1. Glad to hear it! The Fun Quilts book is filled with cute kids patterns, if you like applique.


Love it? Hate it? Have a suggestion? I'd love to hear from you!